The tobacco industry knows their products are harmful. That's why they're working hard to rebrand themselves as champions of public heath with claims of "new, healthier" alternatives to cigarettes. They want you to believe everything is fine. The deadliest industry is now your friend. In reality, they are up to the same old tricks and lies, continuing to push their harmful products on the most vulnerable communities. With this campaign, we're calling out their lies directly, and arming our fellow Californians with the facts to fight back and help to end damage caused by tobacco.

Executive Creative Director: Anne Elisco-Lemme
Senior Art Director: Xavier Rivera
Senior Copywriter: Jeff Phungglan
Senior Designer: Darlene GibsonÂ
Senior Designer: Shannon Burns
Senior Producer: Amanda Chaffin
Executive Producer: Rita Channon
Production Company: Director's Bureau
Production Company: Director's Bureau
Director: Emmanuel Adjei
Photographer: Raul Romo
Color: Trafik
Colorist: Daniel De Vue
VFX: Mathematic
Colorist: Daniel De Vue
VFX: Mathematic